Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


The Shepherd's Staff

A Time to Mourn; A Time to Dance

Posted by Sara Eustice-Brown on

This last month, many parts of my usual routine have ended, and some have been replaced by new routines. Our days all look very much like the day before, but the days are busy. Getting the boys to do their school work each day, figuring out what parts of ministry I can do from home with the help...

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Holy Saturday

Posted by Sara Eustice-Brown on

  Today is Holy Saturday. It’s that time of waiting for us between the dark events of Good Friday, and the trumpet rejoicing of Easter morning. I never payed much attention to this day. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday of Holy Week all get a special worship services, unique events...

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Shepherd's Purse

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For those of you who might not be familiar with Shepherd’s Purse, below is a brief description of our purpose and mission at Good Shepherd.   This in-reach fund started in April 2008 to provide confidential assistance for members and regular attendees of Good Shepherd in the event of...

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Being the Best

Posted by Ted Moeller on

I believe for the fifth year in a row, the Portland International Airport (PDX) has been ranked the best airport in the country. I whole heartedly agree. It’s my personal favorite, as well. I especially love the little lights in the parking garage that show where open spots are, their...

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An Extra Day

Posted by Ted Moeller on

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” [Psalm 118:24]        What did you do Saturday? It was an extra day. Leap Day. Inserted at the end of February every fourth year. That makes it special. My brother-in-law was born on that day in...

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Reflections on the Sermon

Posted by Ted Moeller on

 I thought I’d take time to reflect on that crucial element of Christian worship: the sermon. In a sermon recently I recalled that we were taught in the seminary that there should be one hour’s preparation for every minute of preaching. Boy, did that get some some responses!...

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Our Mission in India

Posted by Ted Moeller on

For the last 12 years, Good Shepherd has been supporting Mission India, lately its Adult Literacy Program, which teaches mostly Indian women how to read and write. Recently, we received a report on how one life was affected.  I thought I should share it with you to show how our money is...

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Picking Up the Tab

Posted by Ted Moeller on

Few routine activities in life require as much diplomacy, patience, grace, and deliberate silence as taking care of a shared check at a restaurant with a large group of friends.  If handled right, it’s a transaction no one thinks twice about; if not, even the best of meals winds up...

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Roomba Pastoring

Posted by Ted Moeller on

It’s July. I’m in Florida. Outside it’s 95° with an equivalent number registering the humidity. I’m sitting in my sister-in-law’s air-conditioned condo working on a Newsletter article for the next month. Which means I’m easily distracted. They have a...

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Small Steps, Giant Leaps

Posted by Ted Moeller on

“One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.”  Neil Armstrong spoke those words on July 20, 1969, when he became the first person to walk on the moon. As I write this, there’s a lot of hoopla remembering that event 50 years ago. I was barely a teenager, but I...

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